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Entrepreneurship Awards

Find out about our entrepreneurship grants

The Fundación Universidad Europea, in collaboration with Santander Universidades and the Area of Employability and Entrepreneurship of the Universidad Europea, aims to contribute to the creation and consolidation of a community of entrepreneurs among its students and alumni, thus following the mission of the Universidad Europea to train leaders and professionals prepared to respond to the needs of a global world, providing value in their professions and contributing to social progress from a spirit of entrepreneurship and ethical commitment.

Our main objective is to support our students and alumni and to recognise, give visibility to and promote innovative projects and companies that generate a positive impact on our environment and encourage entrepreneurship.

Call 2023/2024

Basis of the call 2023/2024

What does this programme offer?

  • Training to draw up your business plan and confirm the viability of the project, or to consolidate and adapt the strategies defined if the company is already established

  • Personalised support from a mentor specialised in entrepreneurship and innovation who will help you to set goals and achieve them

  • Meetings with experts to receive specific advice tailored to your real needs

  • Financial awards to boost your project, awarded by means of a final competition

  • Participation in challenges with students who can help you develop your project

  • Events to network with the Universidad Europea’s entrepreneur community

  • Visibility of your project and support with communication

  • Help in the search for talent if you wish to expand your team

We celebrate the demoday

Demoday, held on 4 July, was the culmination of the UEmprendedores incubation programme and saw the presentation of a large number of projects from different sectors by the students.


Previous calls for proposals:

UEmprendedores Programme 2022-2023

A[em]PRENDE Award 2021-2022

A[em]PRENDE Awards 2020-2021 StartUp Category

A[em]PRENDE Awards 2020-2021 Seed category:

A[em]PRENDE 2020-2021Awards StartUp category (Extraordinary call):