The Fundación Universidad Europea, with the support of Santander Universities, aims to promote equal opportunities and university diversity through study grants for women enrolling as new students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) degrees in both on-site and online courses at the Universidad Europea.
IMPULSA STEAM 2024-2025 grants.
For this year, the Fundación Universidad Europea, in collaboration with Santander Universidades - Santander Open Academy, has decided to launch a new call for applications: IMPULSA SUSTAINABLE 2024-2025 grants. These grants are intended to promote professional development in the areas of sustainability and the environment at the Universidad Europea. The aim of the call is to promote the presence of students in postgraduate programmes through financial aid to those with the best academic records, thus rewarding their academic merits, experience and trajectory in the field of sustainability and the environment.
+ 120 estudents
+ 293.000€