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Curso de Experto en Entrenamiento, Deporte y Salud

Sport, Culture and Society Observatory

The main objective of the Sport, Culture and Society Observatory is to promote the integral education of children and young people, to favour gender equality, as well as to accelerate the social inclusion of the most vulnerable through the promotion of sport and physical activity in different educational and social environments, through initiatives aimed at fostering social commitment and improving the quality of life of the various beneficiary groups.


  • To analyze the impact of sport in our society and to encourage debate debate on the new demands that physical activity and sport generate in our urban environments.


  • To achieve through sport and physical activity a response to the major challenges facing our European societies.

We support people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

In recent years, the Observatory's activity has been mainly focused on the population with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Several studies show that the ASD population is strongly associated with sedentary lifestyles due to their restricted interests and their preference for visual learning.

Every person with a disability should have the same opportunities to engage in physical activities that align with their preferences and needs.

Teachers and students of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy of the Universidad Europea de Madrid have attended various training courses supported by the Fundación Aucavi and have participated in the implementation and development of various activities aimed at this population.

Observatorio Deporte, Cultura y Sociedad