The general purpose of the School with Patients is to provide a service to the community in health and wellness training, framed within the social responsibility of our institution and the educational model of the Universidad Europea.
We plan to carry out all those activities related to the achievement of the proposed objectives: informative and social awareness sessions, training workshops and specific training for patients, relatives or groups of patients, collaboration in research projects, holding events, etc.
The School with Patients carries out activities in response to specific needs raised by patients, patients' associations, neighbourhood or other associations, and municipal and regional bodies. These activities will be programmed on an annual basis and will be carried out by the Universidad Europea, with the participation of teachers and student volunteers.
have been direct beneficiaries of our projects
associations have collaborated with us
covering different areas of health and wellbeing
have volunteered for our projects
Sign up to explore, listen to, or view some of our projects. Here you will find more information about them:
In order to offer support to newly diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis patients, ADEM Madrid, in partnership with the Universidad Europea and Merck, has launched the training workshop "Diagnosis: MS". This space, designed to improve self-care and quality of life, addresses key aspects of the disease, such as its treatment, managing uncertainty, and its impact on work and social life. The workshop is held online in four weekly 2-hour sessions, and is led by professionals from ADEM Madrid and the Universidad Europea. Registration is free and open to patients diagnosed within the last two years.
You can sign up here
The Fundación Universidad Europea’s School with Patients took part in the SOMOS UNO Campaign, organised by ACCU Spain for World Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Day on 19 May. As part of this initiative, we offer free online training on inclusive education, available on the website. This campaign aims to ensure inclusive and supportive education for people with IBD through the ACCUniversity project.
The Fundación Universidad Europea’s School with Patients, in partnership with Cáritas Parroquial de Villaviciosa de Odón, offers theoretical and practical training for carers of dependent persons. This course, which combines sessions in a simulated hospital and in a space provided by Caritas, covers topics such as ageing, basic care, fall prevention and dementia management. The training is aimed at participants selected by Caritas, in order to improve the quality of care and facilitate labour integration in this sector.
Third year Nursing Degree students at the Universidad Europea, in collaboration with Europea Media, lead the "Enfermería y salud (Nursing and health)" podcast. This programme, part of the Fundación Universidad Europea’s School with Patients, aims to inform and raise awareness of health issues, as well as promote self-care. With 30-minute episodes available on Europea Media, Ivoox and Spotify, this podcast also aims to develop key skills in communication and health promotion among students + 22 associations + 30 students + 30 programmes + 1000 followers on Spotify + 32,000 impressions + 500 plays per episode.
You can listen to us on Spotify
On 2 April 2024, the Universidad Europea held the 1st "Conversando con Pacientes [Talking to Patients]” Day, a key event for health students to understand the patient's perspective. Through round table discussions on their role in social media and health policy, the influence of their voices in health was highlighted. The event, opened by the Secretary of State for Health, Javier Padilla, and with the participation of Rector Elena Gazapo, underlined the importance of integrating patients' voices in healthcare education.
It gathered more than 180 registrants and was streamed, amassed more than 350 views on YouTube. Several patient associations participated, including the Grupo Español de Pacientes con Cáncer (GEPAC - Spanish Cancer Patients Group), the Asociación Española de Cáncer de Mama Metastásico (AECMM - Spanish Metastatic Breast Cancer Association), the Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Social de Enfermedades Poco Frecuentes (INDEPF - Institute for Research and Social Development of Rare Diseases), the Asociación Española de Cáncer de Tiroides (Spanish Thyroid Cancer Association), the Asociación Quistes Tarlov (Tarlov Cysts Association) and the Asociación Convives con Espasticidad (Living with Spasticity Association).
This summary is more concise in the first paragraph, keeping key details and improving the flow of the text.
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