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Programa VEnCE

The Programa VEnCE is made up of an interdisciplinary team of Physical Sport Educators (graduates in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences) and Physiotherapists, dedicated to research, training and education in the area of Physical Exercise and Health in the oncological population.

The working team of the Programa VEnCE of the Fundación Universidad Europea is made up of Dr. Itziar Pagola Aldazábal; Dr. Lidia Brea Alejo; Proff. Francisco Hidalgo Bellota; Dr. Marta Montil Jiménez; Dr. Olga Barceló Guido; Dr. Laura González Fernández; Mr. Gabriel Andrés Campos and Ms. Ana María Campos Jiménez.

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What actions are you developing?

Currently, the Programa VEnCE focuses its activity on several actions:

Exercise sessions for cancer patients

  • Patients with cancer, cancer survivors or ill patients: since 2018 and until today, exercise sessions are held 2 days a week on the campus of the Universidad Europea de Madrid. With the support of Santander Universidades.
  • Lung cancer patients: since 2019, exercise sessions for lung cancer patients have been held 2 days a week at Severo Ochoa Hospital (temporarily interrupted by COVID). Supported by Boehringer.
  • Breast cancer patients: since 2021 it has been under development at Severo Ochoa Hospital. This initiative is supported by EISAI and NOVARTIS.
Ejercicios Programa Vence

And also...


In January 2020, a research project was launched regarding the effect of physical exercise on a molecular and systemic level in women diagnosed with breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. This project is supported by the ADAMED award and the Quirón Salud University Hospital Madrid.

1st VEnCE Conference

The conference “Quality of life and cancer: towards integral improvement" was held on 13 June 2019 and addressed issues related to nutrition and exercise focused on improving the quality of life of cancer patients.