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Campus Villaviciosa Universidad Europea

Fundación Universidad Europea

Our figures for the last 4 years:

+ 445.000€

In research

+ 665.000€

In financial aid

+ 260.000€

In social projects

We support our students and alumni

Scholarships, awards and financial aid

At the Fundación Universidad Europea we believe in the potential and talent of our students and alumni. That is why we financially support training, entrepreneurship and professional development opportunities.

Becas y ayudas

Research Grants

The Fundación Universidad Europea, in collaboration with Santander Universidades, aims to promote the scientific policy of the Universidad Europea and its institutions in Madrid, Valencia and the Canary Islands, and to continue to position them as benchmarks that are committed to the development of quality R&D&I in the field of research, while promoting the professional and research development of their faculties.

Social projects

La Fundación de la Universidad Europea no solo apoya iniciativas relacionadas con la educación y la investigación sino también con el desarrollo de las comunidades a través de proyectos sociales que refuerzan nuestros valores de cooperación, solidaridad, sostenibilidad e innovación.​

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Collaborating companies

Testimonials from beneficiaries

Karen Córdova LeónComillas
ComillasFor me it is a privilege to receive the scholarship, and at the same time, a great responsibility to continue promoting the development of knowledge. Being a beneficiary motivates me even more to continue my academic achievements and to do my best in the course of the programme. I feel happy and very grateful for the opportunity, and that the institution in which I decided to study is committed to cooperate with the goals of the students themselves, it is undoubtedly a benefit that will facilitate the progress of my training process in Spain

Karen Córdova León

Doctoral grants 2022/2023

PhD in Biomedicine and Health Sciences