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Ayudas al Compromiso Social

Social Commitment

One of the aims of the Fundación Universidad Europea is to support the development of projects that promote the interrelation between the university and society, through initiatives that stand out for their social commitment and volunteer work.

The Social Commitment Grants programme is aimed at employees of our institutions in Madrid, Valencia, and the Canary Islands who are committed to volunteering. Its objective is to provide financial support for social or environmental projects in which our employees are involved and that generate a positive impact on society. In turn, these proposals should be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The projects shortlisted for these grants will be carried out by the associations, foundations or non-profit organisations together with our employees.

At the Fundación Universidad Europea we value the commitment of our employees to society and we want to help this work to have an even greater impact.


Winning projects

Call III 2021/2022

pdf, 463 KB Download

II Call 2019/2020

pdf, 1630 KB Download

I Call 2018/2019

pdf, 2284 KB Download